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Intentional building of relationships is one of the most effective ways to evangelize. When we take the time to get to know people (who they are, what they do, why they believe what they believe), we can share the gospel with them in a way that is both authentic and meaningful.


Relationships also give us a platform to live out our faith in a way that is attractive to others. 

There are many ways we build relationships in the community. One way is through skill training programs. These programs can provide people with valuable skills that they can use to improve their lives. They can also be a great way to get to know people, build relationships and disciple those that decide to follow Jesus .

Demonstration Farm

A case study of Luwero District reports that 81% of households engage in some form of agricultural activity, with subsistence farming the primary source of livelihood for 66% of households. The Milandila Demonstration Farm is an educational and agricultural hub dedicated to teaching subsistence farmers practices that produce a high quality output. The demonstration Farm, a style also known as "model farming", is motivated by a desire to equip farmers with agricultural education, sustainable techniques, and hands-on training. Through this community ministry, we desire to empower families and develop relationships with our community, through specialized training programs, the Demonstration Farm will expand their farming knowledge and enhance their crop yield and animal productivity. Our hope is that every farmer who goes through the program can be better equipped to provide for their family and be able to receive a sustainable income through farming. 


The Demonstration Farm is an outreach program that allows us to build relationships with both the men and women in the community. We believe that relationships are the gateway to gospel conversations. As we build relationships on the basis of farming, our goal is to plant seeds of Jesus in their hearts that will take root through relational evangelism and discipleship.

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